TarifaZero.org: "The creation of a system of universal free public transport in capitalism sounds like an unattainable fantasy. Such a system, at first glance, it would be economically inefficient, in that state would burden too much.
But from an economic standpoint, creating a system of free public transport is advantageous to the State. A society that relies on private automobiles as the main means of transport has high social and ecological costs. We need to take these costs into account in calculating the efficiency of any transport system."
The story of the free public transport movement in Brazil, for the benefit of the English speaking world.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Tarifa Zero BH runs its own free bus to promote free public transport
Tarifa Zero BH: "E a nossa busona já cumpriu a primeira parte da viagem e chegou até a praça da prefeitura de Contagem!
Muita gente subiu e desceu no trajeto, trocando experiência da luta cotidiana por um transporte transporte público, gratuito e de qualidade!
Daqui a pouco vamos fazer a volta para BH, levando quem quiser curtir a noite da cidade."
Muita gente subiu e desceu no trajeto, trocando experiência da luta cotidiana por um transporte transporte público, gratuito e de qualidade!
Daqui a pouco vamos fazer a volta para BH, levando quem quiser curtir a noite da cidade."
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Luta do Transporte no Extremo Sul: o Bosque do Sol luta por ônibus!
Passa Palavra: "O último sábado foi de movimento e debate no Bosque do Sol, em Parelheiros. Nas últimas semanas, os moradores vem se organizando para a luta pela criação de uma linha de ônibus no bairro, onde o governo nunca ofereceu qualquer serviço de transporte. Sem condução, a população é forçada a caminhar longas distâncias a pé até o ponto mais próximo para ir e voltar do trabalho, mesmo quando está de noite e pode ser perigoso.
Batucando, panfletando, de porta em porta os vizinhos foram discutindo a necessidade do transporte no bairro. Há dois anos, a prefeitura disse que a linha iria começar a operar, mas nada saiu do papel."
Batucando, panfletando, de porta em porta os vizinhos foram discutindo a necessidade do transporte no bairro. Há dois anos, a prefeitura disse que a linha iria começar a operar, mas nada saiu do papel."
Monday, October 13, 2014
6% da população de SP deixou de usar carro, aponta pesquisa
SPressoSP: "À princípio, muita gente reclamou da construção de centenas de faixas exclusivas para ônibus ou a implantação de mais de 200 km de ciclovias na cidade de São Paulo. O fato é que agora, 2 anos depois que o prefeito Fernando Haddad (PT) iniciou suas políticas de mobilidade, os paulistanos estão, aos poucos, percebendo a viabilidade do transporte coletivo ou mesmo da bicicleta. "
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Passe Livre São Paulo
fb : "The protests that mobilized the country in June 2013 brought up again the indignation of millions of people with public transportation. The people went to the streets to fight for the reduction of tariffs, for all and for all. This demonstrates that the people consider public transportation a right-and not as a boon for some, as the students-and is willing to face rulers and businessmen to conquer it. In this sense, the proposed constitutional amendment (PEC) 74, which places in the Constitution that public transportation is a social right is a breakthrough. But currently the PEC is standing at the desk of the President of the Senate, Renan Calheiros. The Chamber of Deputies has already approved this project in two votes, and the only thing missing was Renan Calheiros put it to a vote in the Senate."
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
“Tarifa não precisa pagar custo de transporte”
Passa Palavra: "Trinta e sete milhões de brasileiros sem acesso ao transporte coletivo, segundo o Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), por conta dos preços das tarifas; incentivos do governo federal à produção de automóveis, contribuindo para o aumento dos congestionamentos nas grandes cidades do país e, consequentemente, ampliando a crise de mobilidade urbana e as restrições ao direito de ir e vir. Na contramão deste cenário, uma decisão tomada pelo Comitê de Mobilidade do Conselho das Cidades (ConCidades, Ministério das Cidades) pode abrir caminho para uma política voltada ao benefício do transporte público: a tarifa zero. Esse é o entendimento de Paulo Cesar Marques da Silva, professor da UnB na área de transportes do Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental. Trata-se do entendimento de que o custo do sistema de transporte não precisa ser pago pela tarifa cobrada dos usuários. Para Paulo Cesar, “o transporte é um serviço público e, como tal, não deve ser financiado por seus usuários diretos”."
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Turnstiles opened by strike in Curitiba
Free Pass Sao Paulo: " "Today, June 26 days free of Curitiba woke turnstiles, not for this initiative of our city government, much less the business, after all could ever be. Today through the struggle of workers transport the population of Curitiba can experience the Zero Rate. Today is eminent that the Zero rate may exist, it is not for the grace of . above, but the struggle of low This initiative on the part of workers, falls in movements that are due to non-compliance with agreements by businesses and disrespect the fundamental rights of workers, such as: the right to a bathroom (workers demand chemical bath tube stations), not to get cold in winter (improvement in uniform for the winter), not be exposed to high temperatures (50 º in the tubes in the summer) and most do not have to pay for the losses of the company (when stolen the collective bargaining and tube stations who are paid workers). [...] " Zero Rate now! Plucked from the pockets of bosses! Only with the alliance between workers and users we build a new transport, decent and free! FOR A LIFE WITHOUT RATCHETS!"
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Study shows transport inequality in Brazil
The Workers’ Party of Brazil Has Gone Full Thatcher!: "“Another survey conducted by the Institute of Information and Development in Transportation and the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômia Aplicada identified problems of urban mobility for low-income populations in four Brazilian metropolitan regions, including São Paulo. It showed that people with family incomes up to three times the minimum wage are deprived of access to collective public transport because of the high prices and infrequency of services as well as the difficulty to physically reach distant stations. It also showed that low levels of mobility for leisure activities during weekends are partly due to the prohibitive total cost to transport a family, but also because the scarcity of public transport is even worse on weekends.”"
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Brazil: Free public transport-protests against the World Cup
Free public transport: "The protests in Brazil are kicking in again, at the same time as the much-disputed football World Cup takes place. The cup claims billions, and activists want social infrastructure, reforms like free pulic transportation and an end to corruption.
On the 19th of June, Movimento Passe Livre (The Free Pass-movement) will arrange protests in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Natal.
The authorities are trying to criminalize protesters, and global support may shift the focus to the protesters demands. In Stockholm, a solidarity demonstration will also be held on the 19th and marsch to the Brazilian Embassy.
Tarifa Zero jà!"
On the 19th of June, Movimento Passe Livre (The Free Pass-movement) will arrange protests in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Natal.
The authorities are trying to criminalize protesters, and global support may shift the focus to the protesters demands. In Stockholm, a solidarity demonstration will also be held on the 19th and marsch to the Brazilian Embassy.
Tarifa Zero jà!"
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
People of Brazil know the World Cup will not help the economy
NYTimes.com: "Only 34 percent of Brazilians think the World Cup will help the economy, which is in its fourth straight year of slow growth, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. Thirty-nine percent say the tournament will actually hurt Brazil’s image around the world, according to the face-to-face survey of 1,003 randomly selected adults from across the country."
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Passe livre Rj - Students in Brazil arrested for thought crimes
Passe livre Rj: "Goiás students arrested over pamphlets and posters, anarchist books seized by police, protesters in Porto Alegre indicted for "formation of militia," homeless in Rio sentenced to 5 years in prison for carrying a bottle of disinfectant, domain theory fact ... is established in Brazil the THOUGHTCRIME!"
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Subway workers threaten to go on strike in Rio Tuesday
odia.ig.com.br : "HELIO ALMEIDA
Rio - The Rio subway workers may go on strike from next Tuesday. Without reaching an agreement made during a meeting yesterday with representatives of the concessionaire Metro Rio, the Union of Subway River (Simerj) reported that the category will stop if the company does not negotiate."
Rio - The Rio subway workers may go on strike from next Tuesday. Without reaching an agreement made during a meeting yesterday with representatives of the concessionaire Metro Rio, the Union of Subway River (Simerj) reported that the category will stop if the company does not negotiate."
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Passe Livre São Paulo - Turnstiles are the crime
Passe Livre São Paulo: ":: DAY of STRUGGLE in the SUBWAY of SÃO PAULO the strike approved by subway yesterday morning began with four lines stops: 1-blue, 2-green, 3-red and 5-lilac.
The lines were gradually released with reduced frame, putting at risk the security of workers, which jumped the turnstiles in Capão Redondo and Itaquera Station to access the platform. In both cases, the military police was thrown to protect the turnstiles and the profit of the employers.
The repression to strike and to users who instituted the Zero Tariff in practice shows once again the true interest behind this transport should be public: the profit of entrepreneurs who watch from above on both sides of the transport workers fighting for dignity to work and get around the city.
The lines were gradually released with reduced frame, putting at risk the security of workers, which jumped the turnstiles in Capão Redondo and Itaquera Station to access the platform. In both cases, the military police was thrown to protect the turnstiles and the profit of the employers.
The repression to strike and to users who instituted the Zero Tariff in practice shows once again the true interest behind this transport should be public: the profit of entrepreneurs who watch from above on both sides of the transport workers fighting for dignity to work and get around the city.
World Cup leaves Brazil costly stadiums, poor public transport
Reuters: "(Reuters) - When the final whistle blows at the World Cup, Brazilians will be left with some of the world's costliest soccer stadiums and few of the public transport improvements they were promised."
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Subway - Committee will organize the release of turnstiles
metroviarios.org.br : "One of the resolutions of the meeting of the day 20/5 was the formation of a committee to define how the release of the turnstiles will be taken during the Wage Campaign. The Committee will organize this activity, which may happen even before the possible strike category. This discussion will be taken to the areas that members can decide on the best way to perform the activity "
São Paulo - government trying to criminalize protest
Movimento Passe Livre – São Paulo » Blog Archive » Pela terceira vez – sobre inquéritos, intimações e investigações: as contínuas ações ilegais das polícias: "Nos dias 22 e 23 de maio, pela terceira vez, dezenas de militantes, e até mesmo seus parentes ou pessoas que sequer participaram de qualquer manifestação nos últimos meses, foram intimadas para comparecer ao DEIC para prestar esclarecimentos/informações sem sequer saber do que são acusadas, ou se há alguma acusação. A ilegalidade e a arbitrariedade são tamanhas, que dessa vez não se deram nem ao trabalho de mencionar o número de um inquérito policial na maioria das intimações. Tais práticas, com ameaças, intimidações e exposição de militantes com a presença da polícia em suas casas (militantes que em sua maioria já foram expostos nas ilegais prisões para averiguação que ocorreram em 2013), tem a clara finalidade de dar continuidade à criminalização dos movimentos sociais."
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Brazil #transit strike exposes inequality of the system
Passe Livre Rj: "We call on all those who fight for a just society and without turnstiles to support the road. At this time it is even more important, because the criminalisation continues. The legal action of RioÔnibus is revealing in saying that the alleged "leaders" are "not allowed to promote, participate, inciting a strike and practice acts that impede the proper and continuous functioning, the service of public transport". Let's remember that the "proper functioning" of public transport here means the exclusion of 38 million people in the country, which are only on foot, as well as the operation of fleets scarce and crowded, to get more roulette wheels rotated and rates paid. This public transport run by entrepreneurs and funded by fare increases social inequality, unemployment and worsening the living conditions of the road, firing tax collectors to collect the single ticket (more profit with the prepayment of the highest R$3,00 rate) and increased exploitation of his work."
Pelé Scolds Brazil on World Cup Spending
NYTimes.com: "The Brazilian legend Pelé criticized his country’s organization of the World Cup, saying that billions of dollars have been spent unwisely. Speaking in Mexico City, Pelé said he sided with those protesting against the big spending, but he also lamented violence. Brazil is spending about $11 billion over all on the World Cup, and $4 billion on 12 new and refurbished stadiums. Pelé said: “Some of this money could have been invested in schools, in hospitals. Brazil needs it.”"
Open turnstiles June 5th in São Paulo
Facebook: "Em assembleia na noite de hoje, metroviários tiram greve para o dia 5 de junho!
Na tarde de hoje, o Sindicato ainda lançou a proposta de, ao invés de paralisar a operação na greve, liberar as catracas para a população. O desafio está lançado para o governo - o governo, culpado do nosso sufoco cotidiano e da necessidade de greve. Diminuir salários, quadro de funcionários e trens em circulação é o mesmo de aumentar as tarifas e catracas: fazer com que o transporte continue a ser algo que dê lucro para os empresários e políticos, não um serviço que atenda as nossas necessidades, que usamos e trabalhamos nele!
Só com a aliança entre usuários e trabalhadores vamos transformar o transporte! Seja de braços cruzados, seja de catracas liberadas, nossa luta é uma só!
Todo apoio à luta trabalhadores metroviários!
Chega de sufoco!"
Na tarde de hoje, o Sindicato ainda lançou a proposta de, ao invés de paralisar a operação na greve, liberar as catracas para a população. O desafio está lançado para o governo - o governo, culpado do nosso sufoco cotidiano e da necessidade de greve. Diminuir salários, quadro de funcionários e trens em circulação é o mesmo de aumentar as tarifas e catracas: fazer com que o transporte continue a ser algo que dê lucro para os empresários e políticos, não um serviço que atenda as nossas necessidades, que usamos e trabalhamos nele!
Só com a aliança entre usuários e trabalhadores vamos transformar o transporte! Seja de braços cruzados, seja de catracas liberadas, nossa luta é uma só!
Todo apoio à luta trabalhadores metroviários!
Chega de sufoco!"
Brazil strikes show #publictransit is not just for the riders
Brazil Strikes Grip World Cup Cities; More Planned: "Public sector strikes are continuing in major cities in Brazil, 16 days before the World Cup is set to kick off in the South American country.
No buses are running in the World Cup host city of Salvador, after sides failed to reach agreement over pay and conditions."
No buses are running in the World Cup host city of Salvador, after sides failed to reach agreement over pay and conditions."
Friday, May 23, 2014
Brazil - no money for #freetransit but millions spent for shooting at Brazilian people during soccer cup
Sport UOL: "The federal government has purchased a total of 2,691 kits with weapons of rubber bullets and ammunition to distribute the police to combat protests in the 2014 World Cup. The total investment is $ 30 million, and represents only a portion of spending on non-lethal weapons. Prevent manifestations affect the World Cup and its fans is a priority for the Union in the event security."
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Tarifa Zero BH: #publictransit fares are part of automobile subsidy policy
Tarifa Zero BH: "WHY FIGHT the FARE INCREASE? Protests of 2013 have brought to light that the battle against the fare increase is not only about TWENTY CENTS.
To help you understand, because it's difficult for some, go here for a drawing. The vicious circle of fares is used in various technical studies (e.g. http://goo.gl/tuyVu last page) that show the unsustainability of the financing model of public transport with fares.
The cycle begins with the stimulus policies in the car. In Brazil, for EACH REAL PUBLIC RESOURCE invested in public transportation, TWELVE are REAL invested in individual (http://goo.gl/vFVuLO). This is the true free lunch offered to drivers in tax cuts and infrastructure.
This generates the migration of users of public transportation back to cars. And, therefore, reduces the fares collected. How to compensate for the reduction in revenue? Decrease quality, reduce lines little profitable or increase the fare.
And what it generates? More Stampede of users for individual transport. The result is what we see in Brazil today: clogged cities auto, casualty, congested, polluted, unequal and inaccessible.
Every penny more in the rate means a city more unequal and oppressive, a worse place to live. That's why the fight is not just for twenty cents.
The demonstrations will intensify. Better give a thought out there who's BUYING the MEDIA DISCOURSE, which sidesteps the IMMOBILITY and the maintenance of the status quo, and start looking at every manifestation as a competition for best cities for all.
Tarifa Zero BH is busy fighting. We occupy City Hall against the fraudulent increase in BH and fare in support of the struggle of the servers and teachers who are on strike and camped in front of Belo Horizonte."
To help you understand, because it's difficult for some, go here for a drawing. The vicious circle of fares is used in various technical studies (e.g. http://goo.gl/tuyVu last page) that show the unsustainability of the financing model of public transport with fares.
The cycle begins with the stimulus policies in the car. In Brazil, for EACH REAL PUBLIC RESOURCE invested in public transportation, TWELVE are REAL invested in individual (http://goo.gl/vFVuLO). This is the true free lunch offered to drivers in tax cuts and infrastructure.
This generates the migration of users of public transportation back to cars. And, therefore, reduces the fares collected. How to compensate for the reduction in revenue? Decrease quality, reduce lines little profitable or increase the fare.
And what it generates? More Stampede of users for individual transport. The result is what we see in Brazil today: clogged cities auto, casualty, congested, polluted, unequal and inaccessible.
Every penny more in the rate means a city more unequal and oppressive, a worse place to live. That's why the fight is not just for twenty cents.
The demonstrations will intensify. Better give a thought out there who's BUYING the MEDIA DISCOURSE, which sidesteps the IMMOBILITY and the maintenance of the status quo, and start looking at every manifestation as a competition for best cities for all.
Tarifa Zero BH is busy fighting. We occupy City Hall against the fraudulent increase in BH and fare in support of the struggle of the servers and teachers who are on strike and camped in front of Belo Horizonte."
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Bus drivers defy union, government, with massive strike in Brazil
Todo apoio à luta dos motoristas e cobradores!: "Saudamos os trabalhadores do transporte que não aceitam o acordo das empresas, lutando por condições dignas de trabalho, e que cruzam os braços, bloqueando os terminais Pinheiros, Pirituba, Princesa Isabel, Sacomã, Lapa, Amaral Gurgel, Barra Funda, Bandeira, Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, Grajaú, Parelheiros, Pqe Dom Pedro II, Mercado, Butantã, Casa Verde, Santana!
Rodoviários de todo o país também então em greve, no Rio, em Goiânia, Cuiabá, Jundiaí, e São Luís! A mobilização se espalhou ao longo do dia de ontem por SP e pegou o governo de surpresa. Com quem eles vão negociar se os trabalhadores não reconhecem o acordo feito pelo sindicato?"
Rodoviários de todo o país também então em greve, no Rio, em Goiânia, Cuiabá, Jundiaí, e São Luís! A mobilização se espalhou ao longo do dia de ontem por SP e pegou o governo de surpresa. Com quem eles vão negociar se os trabalhadores não reconhecem o acordo feito pelo sindicato?"
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Free Fare Movement in Brazil Protests beating of passenger for not having fare
In Santo André security CPTM along with military police beat a young man who has not paid the value of 3.00 for boarding the train. The young man could have been killed simply for not agreeing that violence is the rate of mass transit.
The fascist state and its agents, as the PM, and private security guards are able to take lives in defense of private capital; in defense of a tariff slaying and violent every day the population that is poor and excluded to move, to come and go, working, studying, hanging out, going to the hospital, to the park, to find, simply by not having R $ 6.00 (9, 12, 18 real ...) to pay each time you leave the house.
We condemn the violent actions of the PM and the security of the CPTM.
We condemn the violence of everyday fare.
Videos of violence
The fascist state and its agents, as the PM, and private security guards are able to take lives in defense of private capital; in defense of a tariff slaying and violent every day the population that is poor and excluded to move, to come and go, working, studying, hanging out, going to the hospital, to the park, to find, simply by not having R $ 6.00 (9, 12, 18 real ...) to pay each time you leave the house.
We condemn the violent actions of the PM and the security of the CPTM.
We condemn the violence of everyday fare.
Videos of violence
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Tarifa Zero BH - fighting against fare hike
Tarifa Zero BH: "We have shown in recent days several glaring failures of the report by Ernst & Young. We have shown how that lack of popular control prevents a truly public transport that meets the desires of the population.
Next week, the public prosecutor may request the cancellation of the increase. Help on this pressure, mobilize and stay tuned. Requires a tax audit, citizen participation and popular bus systems.
We will continue in the streets until the transport is a law and controlled in fact by the population."
Next week, the public prosecutor may request the cancellation of the increase. Help on this pressure, mobilize and stay tuned. Requires a tax audit, citizen participation and popular bus systems.
We will continue in the streets until the transport is a law and controlled in fact by the population."
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Passe livre Rj -- Life without turnstiles
Passe livre Rj: "Todos ao próximo ato, dia 7 de Maio, concentração na candelária, às 16h.
Imagens do último ato dos rodoviários. Tem todo o nosso apoio! Contra a dupla função de motorista e cobrador, pelo reajuste salarial, contra a carga horária de 12 horas!
Pela união entre trabalhador e usuário! Por uma vida sem catracas!"
Imagens do último ato dos rodoviários. Tem todo o nosso apoio! Contra a dupla função de motorista e cobrador, pelo reajuste salarial, contra a carga horária de 12 horas!
Pela união entre trabalhador e usuário! Por uma vida sem catracas!"
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Fare free movement in Brazil uncovers government corruption
Justice upholds complaint against mayor of Belo Horizonte - Politics - Nowadays: "The mayor of Belo Horizonte, Marcio Lacerda (PSB), is the target of a lawsuit for giving tax benefits to public transport in the capital without a financial impact study companies.
Passenger beaten for not paying fare
Movimento Passe Livre ABC: "In Santo André CPTM security along with the military police beat a young man who didn't pay the value of 3.00 to board the train. It is possible that the young man has died, simply for not agreeing to the violence that is the fare of collective transport.
The State and its agents fascists, as PM, and private security guards are capable of taking lives in defense of private capital; in defense of a butchering and violent fare every day the population is poor and excluded from circular, to come and go, work, study, hang out, go to the hospital, to the Park, to find, simply because I don't have $ 6.00 (9, 12, 18 real ...) to pay every time you leave the House.
Repudiate the violent action of the PM and the security of the CPTM.
We reject the violence of everyday fare."
The State and its agents fascists, as PM, and private security guards are capable of taking lives in defense of private capital; in defense of a butchering and violent fare every day the population is poor and excluded from circular, to come and go, work, study, hang out, go to the hospital, to the Park, to find, simply because I don't have $ 6.00 (9, 12, 18 real ...) to pay every time you leave the House.
Repudiate the violent action of the PM and the security of the CPTM.
We reject the violence of everyday fare."
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Nota de esclarecimento a população Natalense!
Movimento Passe Livre - Natal/RN : " Viemos através desta nota, informar à população de que no dia 29/04/2014 a Câmara Municipal de Natal vetará mais uma vez o projeto do ‘Passe Livre’ municipal, cujo em primeira instância foi aprovado pela própria CMN."
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Sao Paulo - people organize their own #freetransit
Timeline Photos - Free Pass Sao Paulo: "Today the residents of the southern tip of Sao Paulo showed that, with unity and struggle, we can transform our lives. Tired of walking and one year after being rolled by the government, the community decided to organize for itself an autonomous and free BUSA"
Monday, March 31, 2014
Brazil to waste billions on subways
TarifaZero.org | [No money for zero tariff?] Government invests $ 143 billion for urban mobility: "Rousseff stressed that were built or are being built in their subways government in nine Brazilian cities: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Brasilia, Curitiba, Porto Alegre and Belo Horizonte. "Only to the subway, the federal government is putting £ 33 billion in investments. Other R $ 15.5 billion is the counterpart of the states and municipalities. And in addition to these resources, private companies are also involved in investments. ""
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Time to promote public transport
Arab News: "We need to urgently rethink our public transportation systems and come up with new solutions. Throwing more cars onto our already congested motorways is certainly not the way to go."
Friday, March 28, 2014
Promises, promises, but nothing getting better in Brazil
Reuters: "Though she lives deep in a metropolitan area of 11 million people, her water supply often gets disrupted. Public transport is so far away she still relies on costly, unlicensed van operators. As for the promise of nearby schools and health services, she will believe it when she sees it."
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Urban planner calls for #freetransit
Fare-Free New Zealand: "Developing a free bus rapid transit (BRT) service is one way of accomplishing long-term sustainable urban mobility solutions, civil engineer Roberto Ghidini told BNamericas."
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Tarifa Zero BH - Let's reduce pollution with #freetransit - like Paris
Tarifa Zero BH: "Today, more than 4,000 people die every year in SP victims of pollution emitted by cars. We have always contended that the gratuity of the transport drastically reduces this pollution.
And behold, the week Paris reaches its highest levels of pollution, the solution given by the Government is Zero Fare next weekend! But http://goo.gl/bqQfQl Tarifa Zero need no longer be an emergency measure and be seen as a public policy in search of a healthier city. Let's build together! (Translated by Bing)"
And behold, the week Paris reaches its highest levels of pollution, the solution given by the Government is Zero Fare next weekend! But http://goo.gl/bqQfQl Tarifa Zero need no longer be an emergency measure and be seen as a public policy in search of a healthier city. Let's build together! (Translated by Bing)"
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Free Carnaval bus - organized by #tarifazero
TarifaZeroBH : "Tomorrow continues. We started at noon in St. Joseph de Azevedo, in the Salgado Filho, where he will be playing the block of Krishna Peacock feather. Until the 15:00 this line will take the revelers on the street Pouso Alto, in the Sierra, where will the block Tico Tico Sierra Cup."
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Corporate media tries to say police provocateurs are part of Passe Livre
In this account "Black Bloc" is presented as one side, and the police as another. They are the same side. Black Bloc is undercover police.
Police stand around and a journalist dies while covering a protest in Brazil | Public Radio International: "This particular protest was part of an on-going protest over public transportation fares. It’s part of the so-called “Free Pass” movement. And it took place at the central train station. Davies says a group of protesters called the “Black Blocs” were destroying ticketing machines.
But Davies says both sides are to blame.
He says the police are military police and do little to contain the protests. In this instance, the police just fired tear gas and stun grenades into the area as hundreds of commuters were heading home from work at around 7pm in the evening."
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Call to action by Tarifa Zero Belo Horizonte
3rd act "lower cost, lower the rate": "We continue the struggle for the immediate transfer to the bus fare from exemption of Operational Cost Management (CGO) that will grant the bus companies a bonus of 22 million dollars per year. This value could correspond to a reduction of 5 cents on each pass according to calculations of City Hall itself. . Also require the disclosure of company accounts by bus, provided by contract, promised and postponed numerous times by the city since the demonstrations June/2013
may the black box is indeed open Check the history of this struggle: http://goo.gl/7FVTzO and http://goo.gl/AZvdCh ."
may the black box is indeed open Check the history of this struggle: http://goo.gl/7FVTzO and http://goo.gl/AZvdCh ."
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
People of Rio de Janeiro fight back against lies, repression, and fare increase
Free Pass Sao Paulo: "Rio fights back! Via Free Pass Rj : "Even before the campaign to criminalize the free fare movement by media and government, from the tragedies of the act of 6th (2 dead and several injured in the conflict triggered by the brutal repression the PM), the population back to the streets to fight the increase of fares to 3 real and put back to £ 2.50. " And the fight continues, with another protest planned for Feb 13th, Thursday! FIGHT FOR A LIFE WITHOUT TURNSTILES"
Friday, February 7, 2014
Free Pass Movement - São Paulo Solidarity with fair revolt users Subway!
saopaulo mpl : "Yesterday, the population faced a chaotic situation in the subway. A train of 3-Red Line is completely powered off, disabling it with the air conditioning system of the wagons, forcing passengers to get off the tracks do not pass suffocate. Any operation of the Red Line was paralyzed for more than 5 hours and there were also outages on lines 1 and 4-Blue-Yellow. The revolt of users spread for at least 7 seasons"
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Fury and frustration in Brazil as fares rise and transport projects flounder
theguardian.com : "At 5am every day, Paula Elaine Cardoso begins her long commute from the poor periphery of Rio de Janeiro to her care worker's job in the upmarket resort of Copacabana.
After a walk to the bus stop, she has to wait about 40 minutes to get a seat, then – provided there is no breakdown or accident – she has a nearly two-hour ride in the traffic, usually without air conditioning and often in temperatures over 30C. Hot and tired by the time she reaches the subway station, she must then line up again for another jam-packed journey to her destination.
Most days, she gets in shortly before 9am, the 22 miles having taken close to three hours. It is the same story in the evening. By the time she gets home, usually long after dark, Cardoso has spent almost a quarter of her day, and a sizeable share of her income, on public transport.
Little wonder then that she – like tens of thousands of other Rio residents – is furious that bus fares in the city are due to go up on Saturday."
After a walk to the bus stop, she has to wait about 40 minutes to get a seat, then – provided there is no breakdown or accident – she has a nearly two-hour ride in the traffic, usually without air conditioning and often in temperatures over 30C. Hot and tired by the time she reaches the subway station, she must then line up again for another jam-packed journey to her destination.
Most days, she gets in shortly before 9am, the 22 miles having taken close to three hours. It is the same story in the evening. By the time she gets home, usually long after dark, Cardoso has spent almost a quarter of her day, and a sizeable share of her income, on public transport.
Little wonder then that she – like tens of thousands of other Rio residents – is furious that bus fares in the city are due to go up on Saturday."
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Music for jumping turnstiles - #passelivre #tarifazero #posmesalto #yonopago
Ever thought that transportation is one of the few utilities paid at the time of use?
Imagine if education, health, police, garbage collection and street lighting were paid individually?
Social rights benefit all of society and must be paid by all. This is the idea behind the Zero Tariff, a proposal that has been growing worldwide. In Belo Horizonte, our campaign is being done by collecting signatures for a bill of popular initiative.Join!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Brazil free-fare movement (MPL) in Rio calls for action Feb 6 against fare hikes
MPL - Rio : "The MPL -Rio ( https://www.facebook.com/passelivre.rj?fref=ts ) and MPL - Niterói ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/MPL-Niterói/634199619946460 ) maintains its position fight ! Now is Zero Rate ! Apart from the country's worst urban mobility , where the employee takes on average 47min to go home from work , still have to swallow another increase !
This is an attack to users of the public transport system and also to all who have decided to stand up and use the street as a space for the exercise of politics . The reduction of tariffs in June 2013 is now the most powerful symbol of the strength coming from the streets . Therefore advocate reducing tariffs is fighting for a prospect of popular and mass struggle
Thus invite all groups , individuals and groups to join in this fight , on 06 / 02 at 17h , leaving the Candelaria again. Take your angst, their anger and everything else you see fit to make an active and combative act. The street and the fight does not belong to this or that team, but to all of us and we all win move for a more just and free society for all turnstiles !"
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Brazil free fare movement celebrates 9th year of struggle
Free Pass Movement - São Paulo »Blog Archive» Nine years since the founding of the National MPL: "Anniversary of 9 years of national plenary of the MPL Foundation
9 years ago, collective fighting the problems of public transport in their cities met in a plenary session at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre. In a day of discussions, these collective realized not only the similarities of their problems, but also of their political practices. Thus was born the National Federation of Free Pass Movement - an independent nonpartisan social movement, horizontal, independent and -. That, throughout this time, he played various struggles for effective public transport throughout Brazil POWER TO ALL WHO FIGHT FOR A LIFE WITHOUT TURNSTILES!"
9 years ago, collective fighting the problems of public transport in their cities met in a plenary session at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre. In a day of discussions, these collective realized not only the similarities of their problems, but also of their political practices. Thus was born the National Federation of Free Pass Movement - an independent nonpartisan social movement, horizontal, independent and -. That, throughout this time, he played various struggles for effective public transport throughout Brazil POWER TO ALL WHO FIGHT FOR A LIFE WITHOUT TURNSTILES!"
Friday, January 24, 2014
São Paulo police reign of terror against Free Pass Movement
saopaulo.mpl.org.br : "Free Pass Movement São Paulo and Fanfare MAL understand that the existence of such research is the continuation of the systematic violation of the rights of people who have been arrested illegally. The police visits to people in their homes and verbalized threats are nothing more than a bully to demobilize our struggles. Therefore, we advocate not attending to testimony, exercising thus our constitutional right to remain silent. It is unacceptable that we continue to legitimize this kind of repressive and intimidating the above action, which only seeks to preserve the order that controls and slay those below."
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Zero Tariff Belo Horizonte
Zero Tariff Belo Horizonte: "Ever thought that transportation is one of the few utilities paid at the time of use?
Imagine if education, health, police, garbage collection and street lighting were paid individually?
Social rights benefit all of society and must be paid by all. This is the idea behind the Zero Tariff, a proposal that has been growing worldwide. In Belo Horizonte, our campaign is being done by collecting signatures for a bill of popular initiative. Join!"
'via Blog this'
Friday, January 3, 2014
Socialist Party in Joinville supports the Free Fare Movement (MPL)
MPL Joinville - for a life without turnstiles: NOTE TO SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT FREE PASS: "The municipal leadership of the Party of Socialism and Liberty (SoL) has, through this, to sympathize with the militants Free Pass Movement (MPL), victims of clear attempted criminalization of social movements.
...In this sense, the SoL sympathizes and is positioned opposite to the current project, because in our view, is extremely harmful to the city we desire: a plural city, democratic, participatory urban planning that seeks human development and unhindered mobility. That seeks to build as a city of Joinville rights, and not as a mere "market town" that reproduces social inequality, concentrated income and worsening the quality of life of the majority of our people. "
...In this sense, the SoL sympathizes and is positioned opposite to the current project, because in our view, is extremely harmful to the city we desire: a plural city, democratic, participatory urban planning that seeks human development and unhindered mobility. That seeks to build as a city of Joinville rights, and not as a mere "market town" that reproduces social inequality, concentrated income and worsening the quality of life of the majority of our people. "
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